customize your mishloach manos leather pouch
Choose from three elegant options—a Lucite Card, a Tabletop Plaque, or a Vegan Leather Tefillah Book—to create a truly personal and meaningful Mishloach Manos for everyone on your list.
Each option offers a beautiful keepsake that will be cherished long after Purim, along with Whisky & Decadent Chocolate.
This Gift start at just $28, making it the perfect thoughtful gift.
Customize this magnificent Mishloach Manos Gift box with the perfect gift for your recpeient. Each box has the full open presentation & includes Discaronno Whisky, & a Decadent Sea Salt Chocolate.
Choose any of our Leather Pouch Sets, including: Havdalah, Pesach, or even Benchers.
Or Choose any Vegan Leather Tefilllah book including: Painted Haggadah, Megillah, Tehillim or other options.
Or Choose Any Tabletop Plauqe including: Tefillah L'Moreh Derech, Hadlokas Neiros and more.
Starts at $38
Mishloach Manos
All Mishloach Manos options include the food shown.
Order coordinating Mishloach Manos labels via Label Land