Shabbos lamp with a statement

Shabbos lamp with a statement

Change up your Shabbos lamp with a statement lamp & decor.We use the Shabbulb in every single lamp around our house and it is amazing. No need to compromise on decor. Bulb...
Waterdale Collection
Best Light Switch Cover protectors from toddlers

Best Light Switch Cover protectors from toddlers

When it comes to childproofing your home, one area that often gets overlooked is the light switches. Toddlers are curious by nature and love to explore, which can lead to...
Waterdale Collection
Best garbage can for narrow spaces

Best garbage can for narrow spaces

Are you struggling to find the perfect garbage can for your narrow bathroom or that small space next to the toilet? Look no further! This garbage can is designed to...
Waterdale Collection
Acrylic cracked? Edge coming apart. The easiest and best glue to use!

Acrylic cracked? Edge coming apart. The easiest and best glue to use!

When your acrylic material cracks or the edges start coming apart, it can be frustrating to find the right adhesive to repair it. Not all glues are created equal, and...
Waterdale Collection
Hacks to make your tablescape beautiful but functional

Hacks to make your tablescape beautiful but functional

  Are you looking to elevate your dining experience at home? Look no further! With these essential items, you can easily transform your table setting into a stylish and practical...
Waterdale Collection